Thursday, December 14, 2017

Preston James explains how the Ruling Hierarchy manufactures "fake reality"

Broadcast here December 18th 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page - please subscribe and keep this program going!
My Veterans Today colleague Preston James, Ph.D. is an eloquent critic of what is sometimes called the New World Order. In his latest article "The Power of Hierarchy and the Pseudo-Truth Monopoly" Preston writes:

"Sadly, we Americans and much of the world live in a fake reality based on over 50 years of lies and coordinated illusions which have been created, dispensed and induced into the American Mass Mind by the Ruling Hierarchy. This Ruling Hierarchy that controls the creation, management and dispensing of this fake reality is almost exclusively comprised of “Bloodline families” who are actually quite different in their value systems and genetic backgrounds than “ordinary human stock”. They hide behind Secret Societies, a worldwide network of satanic pedophiles, and use the various law enforcement and Intel agencies they have created such as the FBI, the CIA, to protect and serve their selfish interests."

Is America's sudden sexual harassment epidemic just the tip of the iceberg? Is the media as controlled  as John Swinton alleged in 1883 when he said: “There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion..."

Preston James is not afraid of expressing his honest opinions. Neither, for that matter, is Truth Jihad Radio.  Listen and be amazed.


  1. " the Ruling Hierarchy manufactures "fake reality"".

    He has a too high opinion of the ruling class then. The ruling class is not that good, to be able to "manufacture reality". It just happens that they have an unspoken agreement with the masses, which is based on : "we'll give you a phony pretexte to be obedient, servile and go along with our whims, and maybe (just maybe) we won't abuse you as much as we could". The poor idiots making up the masses, empty spiritually and pressured by the instinct of self-preservation, play that nasty masquerade like a helpless child clinging to his parents no matter how abusing they are to him.

    1. As a side note, when the show is ready to go back to playing music easy on the ears and on the soul, some apropos songs would be :

      "God is God" by Steve Earl, but better interpreted by Joan Baez :

      "The Same Parents" by Enigma :

      "Slogans" by Bob Marley :

      "The Rebel Jesus" by Jackson Browne :
