Sunday, December 10, 2017

Rabbi Lerner and Kevin Barrett discuss and argue about Jerusalem; then Kevin takes on Maxi the Zionist, and reads "From Yahweh to Zion"

Broadcast here December 11th 11 to noon Eastern. All my shows are available at my Patreon page - please subscribe and keep this program going!
First 25 minutes: Rabbi Michael Lerner, America's most celebrated progressive Rabbi, and Kevin Barrett, America's best-known Muslim voice of 9/11 truth, get together to discuss – and argue about – the Zionist takeover of Jerusalem, and Trump's endorsement of that crime against humanity. Dr. Barrett argues that the only way to get justice for Palestine is to expose and defeat Zionist power in the USA. Rabbi Lerner thinks that is a bad strategy, because it will be labeled "anti-Semitic." Instead, he argues that the elusive two-state-solution will somehow arise, Phoenix-like, from its own ashes, if activists continue to deplore Israeli crimes against Palestinians while ignoring Zionist power in America. Dr. Barrett counters that the Mideastern two-state-solution is dead – there is and will always be only one Palestine – and that we need an AMERICAN intifada to force Israel to relinquish its control over the Zionist-occupied USA – a "two state solution" that would allow for a sovereign and independent America. This, Dr. Barrett believes, would solve the Occupied Palestine problem overnight.

Next 25 minutes:  "In this edition of The Debate, Press TV has interviewed Kevin Barrett, editor of Veterans Today from Madison, and Maxine Dovere, a reporter and political analyst from New York, to discuss US President Donald Trump's move to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s capital while Palestinians continue to protest the decision."

Final 10 minutes: Kevin Barrett reads a selection from the forthcoming (1/1/2018) From Yahweh to Zion by French historian Laurent Guyénot.


  1. dear Kevin,

    How could you have the audacity to try to tell Michael Lerner that 'some Jews', albeit 'just the evil ones', are responsible for any part of the mess in this world???

    As the Rabbi schooled you, you will never succeed by floating such a point of view. Jews have no power at all. Give it up.

    You heard him run for the door as soon as you had said it. Word to the wise: Jews are only, and always, victims.

    Do you not know that ALL Jews are guilelessly innocent and completely guiltless of any and all imaginable crime(s)?

    Just ask one.

    If you doubt this, a cursory examination of court records in the U.S. should help reassure you.

    Should you still harbor doubts, I recommend engaging in a tête à tête with Wolf Shitser &/or Binyamin Shitanyahoo. You really need to watch more tv so you can get better up on the facts.

    Meyer who? Maybe you didn't hear Dovene tell you that 'the mafia is Italian.'

    That explains it all. The paisans did 9/11. [& all this time I thought it was the Taliban, Saddam Hussein, Iran]

    Get with it, bwoy.

    Rule Italia, Italia rules the waves.

    Get woke.

  2. The problem with the world is NOT "evil people doing evil things". The real problem is 'good people and ordinary people doing evil things', because they have decided to surrender their humanity and the responsibility that comes with it to an authority figure : they willfully chose obedience, compliance and servitude.

    For example, those imagining themselves to be enlightened, often go on a finger-pointing mission at "Jewish Hollywood". Guess what : nobody is putting a gun at people's head, forcing them to buy a TV set, pay cable fees and forcing them to spend at least 6 hrs per day getting lied to and mind-programmed, along with their children. They do it on their own free will as a desperate attempt to stay connected to the morbid herd they imagine being part of. If they are too coward and empty to stand on their own, it is not "evil people's" fault but theirs.

    Another example. When the inbred ghetto fanatical eastern europeen jews invaded Palestine - killing and rampaging - young militant Arab fighters were going from village to village warning people to get ready to fight for their homes, lands and lives. According to at least one israeli historian, everywhere they went they were welcomed with : "go away, we don't want any trouble, we just want to live in peace !!!". See what happened since, as a result of not taking a stand when the circumstances call for it. Same thing with 9-11 nowadays, the coward hypocritical americans reply : "I just want to live in peace and cheer up for my football team."

    In short, no matter how dedicated "evil people" are, they are and will always be a minority with no power at all of their own. Their power stems only from the stupidity, cowardice, compliance, complicity and lust for immediate-reward-situations of ordinary people. Pointing the finger at this or that group of evil-doers - Jewish or not - will not make people any less responsible nor any more "innocent".

    The Quran, as I understand it, states that God will NOT change the condition of people until people change that which is within themselves.

    Freedom will come only when people break with habits no one dare challenge.

    Larken Rose says it very well in the following videos :

    9-11 was a turning point in history. People - especially those in USA as well as the "muslim community" - not doing anything about it and still looking the other way when confronted with the facts - is like a green light to Satan's minions to go spread more pain and suffering unchallenged :

  3. 1.Very interesting to listen to the Rabbi and his ideas.
    2.Maxime - where do they get all idiots in the usa.?

  4. Here is what I think. Things are set up now for war with Iran, Hezbollah, Syria with US remaining in Syria and Iran threatening to remove them. Israel thinks it can win as US will be involved as it will be the US bases in Syria will be attacked. Out come questionable based on Russian S-300s and Iranian cruise missiles (Duff) but also because of new electro-magnetic technology a la Keshe and Syrian and Iranian experience fighting in that environment. But Trump expects he can win as he is willing to use nukes. Russia is getting out of the way. They have not really ever fought back against Israel let alone the US. Some say and Duff implies they can't because Israel has too much influence in Russia. I think the Zionists are split and Russia is with the "Matrix" radical hacker side. Neo was born 11 Sept 2001. Movie made in 1998-99.

    Note the war time budget deficits now, and even worse with the tax cut plan. Federal Reserve and Wall St. wouldn't be lending the money if they didn't expect a big return. Given the scope of the deficits, they have to be gambling on a return of US hegemony. That is also the rhetoric from both Dems and Republicans. People are desperate in their lies.

    Then Trump makes offer to Palestinians, good Sunnis that they are, to get to be part of "larger" Israel as the lost tribes of Israel. Zionists remain as priestly and kingly tribes - tribes of David, Benjamin I think - and they have the banks.

    Trump has some offer up his sleeve with May in Britain supporting "peace negotiations." Some internet sites say US will make Palestinians a "good" offer, and they will take it. With Saudi cooperation with Israel so flagrant and some Saudis converting to Judaism and getting re-circumcised, this is my best bet at the future plan.

    The lack of response from the Dems is deafening. Did Tammie vote for Shumer to lead the Senate?

  5. Why are many Americans scared of people from the Middle East, yet worship someone from the Middle East?

    Inquiring mind wants to know!

  6. It is ironic that Israel has recently painted a fighter jet pink to raise breast cancer awareness, while preventing cancer patients in Gaza from receiving a medical treatment.

    The Israeli publicity stunt took place after women cancer patients in Gaza took to the street for the first time since the Gaza blockade, to protest against the travel ban that prevents them from accessing cancer treatment at hospitals in Israel, or inside the Israeli occupied Palestinian territories.

    According to Israeli Daily Haaretz story, the protesters said, the ban or delay of their treatment is a " premeditated death sentence."

    Al-Monitor reported in 2014, that 70-80% of Gaza men and women who pass through the Erez crossing — which is under Israeli supervision — were subjected to recruitment attempts by Israel. It is simply inhumane and unacceptable that Israeli security and intelligence officers would resort to blackmail or threats - towards patients form Gaza who are seeking medical attention - to work for them as an informants.

    Next time Israel goes pink, remember Gaza cancer patients who are denied access to medical treatment.

    Mahmoud El-Yousseph
    Retired USAF Veteran

  7. Rabbi Lerner sees fundamentalist Christians as outnumbering US Zionists so therefore it’s wrong to point the finger at Jews for US support of Israel. Jews are not the problem, he decries; it’s the fundamentalists who bear the greater blame because there are more of them! Pro-Israel Christian fundamentalists may have greater numbers, but this pales compared to the inordinate, disproportionate, obvious *power* US Zionist Jews wield. Clearly Rabbi Lerner doesn’t understand the concept of “weighted” numbers.

    It was amazing to hear Rabbi Lerner blame the victims for not doing enough themselves, as if it were a level playing field. He did not once acknowledge that Kevin was always only referring to elite bazillionaire Jews, not the average, everyday Jew. But then such a distinction would undermine Rabbi Lerner’s repeated mantra to “stop blaming Jews” in order to shift blame and focus on Arabs and fundamentalist Christians.

    While Rabbi Lerner’s call for a civil disobedience approach is high-minded, it fails to account for:
    1) The assertion that India might well never have won independence had it not been for a strong rebel faction waging armed struggle against the Brits, and
    2) Again, as if it were a level playing field, his admonishment that Palestinians be non-violent ignores the reality that the Israelis are armed to the teeth.
